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Study Tour
On October 8, 2018, 80 FY and TY Students of the Department were accompanied by 2 Teachers on a one-day Study Tour to the Nehru Science Centre. The Nehru Science Centre has more than 500 hands-on and interactive science exhibits on such aspects as energy, sound, kinematics, mechanics, transport, etc. installed in the Science Park and different galleries. Students were taken to seen such shows as the 3D show and Science-on-Sphere show.
Department of Zoology
On September 8, 2018, a lecture on “Role of Food Technology in Recent Times, its Significance, and Scope for Research”, was delivered by Dr. Kriti Kumari Dubey, a SERB-National post-doctoral fellow at the Food Engineering and Technology Department, Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT). The lecture was attended by 70 Students. Dr. Dubey explained the various techniques of food processing such as encapsulation, fortified foods,fermentation technology, and role of Soxhlet’s method for supercritical extraction of compounds from raw materials. She also discussed the role of antibiotics and traditional foods in the maintenance of good health, as also the preservation of flavours, colours, taste and freshness during packaging. Dr. Dubey also illustrated experiments carried out at ICT to study qualitative and quantitative aspects of nutritive value, additions of antibiotics and flavouring agents.
Educational Tour
On September 27, 2018, 43 Students and Faculty Members undertook a one-day Field Trip and Educational Tour to Shirgaon and Satpati, Palghar district. Mr. Chaudhary (Former Head, Department of Zoology, S. Dandekar College, and Naturalist and butterfly and moth expert) and Mr. Bhushan Bhoir (Faculty Member, Department of Zoology, S. Dandekar College, and Environmentalist) guided the Students in the identification of species of butterflies, grasshoppers, bugs, sandpipers, and also many birds. Shirgaon beach also provided an opportunity for the study of such marine life as species of crab, molluscs and polychaete worms, along with sea anemones and octopus. At Satpati Students were taken to visit a cold storage, where they learnt about the functioning of the cold storage and the logistics of planning a fishing expedition. Students were also made aware of the importance of conservation and sustainable development in the traditional fishing practices followed in Palghar district.