Department of Zoology by Research

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The Department of Zoology is one of the science departments to be established in 1964 by the Chikitsak Samuha’s Patkar-Varde College, a full-fledged autonomous college with an A+ grade and a score of 3.53 in the third cycle of NAAC (2017-18). Department of Zoology offers undergraduate courses leading to M. Sc., by Research and Ph.D. degrees. Department of Zoology has received funding / grants from the (UGC-XI plan) and DBT- STAR-Government of India for strengthening of infrastructure for Science and Technology. The Department has separate and well equip laboratories for undergraduate teaching and research activities. The Department has also its separate departmental library with latest collections of text-books, reference books for undergraduate students and research. The faculty members are devoted and brought spectacular achievements by exploration and experiential learning. The department aims to produce undergraduates fully conversant with biological principles and rigorously trained in skills of reasoning, hypothesis generation, reading and writing, practical techniques and the sound scientific application of research findings in the field of marine biotechnology, Animal Physiology and toxicology, Drug induced toxicity, Marine and Environmental Biology and of Fisheries science so that they are competent and versatile in dealing with future demands.

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